Lorenz Detecting Systems
The state-of-the-art LORENZ detector: DEEPMAX Z2

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Operation manuals, pictures, software- and firmware updates.

Authorized reseller
For availibility and maintenance please refer to your local authorized reseller only.

Data Logger
To generate colour, image, surface or contour maps, optional hard- and software is necessary!

Photo Galleries
Images of LORENZ metaldetectors. Development, production, in the field.
Mission & Vision
From the beginning…
… Lorenz had the intention to build most versatile and powerful metal detecting machines for professional users worldwide. At the age of 11 years Lorenz built his first metal detector fascinated by electronics and the possibility of finding treasure. Lorenz was examining all the different properties of magnetic soils and metal objects and tried to find the most reliable circuitry in order to build accurate metal detecting equipment. Since the first company was founded in 1996 Lorenz was supplying professional treasure hunters who are investigating for natural gold, meteorites or relics.
Some technologies developed at Lorenz have been used successfully in many metal detector designs over the years. For example the LORENZ DEEPMAX series detectors are some of the newest developments in the field of pulse ground balancing metal detectors made in Germany. They are probably some of the most sensitive and stable metal detecting devices of their kind presently available. Quality electronics and very special designed electronic – circuitry produce benefits in terms of ease of use as well as sensitivity.
The LORENZ DEEPMAX metal detectors are based on proven technology which has already been used by thousands of professional users worldwide and are often recognized as representing some of the highest quality and newest developments in professional metal detecting equipment.
On this basis Lorenz is constantly working on new developments including customers individual solutions and industry detectors for recycling purposes while refinements of presently existing devices will continue.